Jeg har fået denne skønne award af troll 13http://troll13.blogspot.com/, den er jeg super glad for:)
Jeg skal give den videre til 5 personer, uha det er svært for alle fortjener den,
And here are the rules:1. The winner can put the logo on their blog.2. Link the person you received your award from.3. Nominate at least 5 other blogs.4. Before listing the nominees give a brief reason why you chose them5. Put links of those blogs on yours.6. Leave a message on the blogs you have nominated.All these ladies have wonderful blogs and their creations are gorgeous.Love them .. Please check them out, you will also love what you see, I´m sure :)Now I would like to give this wonderful award
Giver den til
solblomst http://solblomstsblogg.blogspot.com/
Tusind tak Anne Bente.
SvarSletDen er jeg oprigtig meget glad for.
Knus Karina
Så hyggelig!!! Tusen tusen takk skal du ha. Denne satte jeg stooor pris på:)
SvarSletTakk for Awarden, Anne Bente. Det satte jeg stor pris på. :)